Mass and service times for this coming week can be seen HERE and you can read Fr Kevin's Desk HERE
Adoremus Liverpool
Following the national Adoremus gathering, the Archbishop has decided that we will have a similar event within the archdiocese. This will take place at the Metropolitan Cathedral and at the Co-Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Isle on 21 September 2024. The event itself is free and available to all. At the Metropolitan Cathedral, there will be Eucharistic Adoration throughout the day from 10am until 5pm, Holy Mass, opportunities for confession, a variety of workshops, and a shared time of prayer during the day for all.
A timetable can be found on the Archdiocese’s website
Helpers’ Weekend
There are always lots of jobs that need to be done when running a Parish community and sometimes people don't always know how to get involved with helping.
We are running a 'Helpers' Weekend' after all the Masses this weekend. This is your chance to find out what needs to be done and how you could help. There are opportunities during the Mass for bell ringers, greeters, singers, musicians, readers, children's liturgy, eucharistic ministers, altar servers, collectors, technical support, recording the Mass for YouTube, operating Zoom etc.
There are opportunities outside of Mass for gardeners, cleaners, baptism preparation, Holy Communion catechists, spiritual care, scouts and cubs and beavers, refreshments after Mass, fairs, fundraising, collection counters, Meet up Mondays etc. There are also opportunities for people to come forward with a one-off idea or something that you think you could offer that isn't being done at the moment. Any help is valuable. You don't need to be able to commit to every week. Most things work with a rota arrangement. Have a think about what you could do to help and speak to us.
Musical Collaboration Day (Deanery & families of Parishes)
Saturday 12 Oct 11:00-16:00, Holy Family Hall. All singers and musicians of any skills welcome from all parishes.
Come to share music, praise God and have fun. bring something savoury & something sweet to share for lunch. More information HERE.
Thank you from John & Karen
Readers Training:
The Liturgy Commission are offering parish readers an opportunity for some practical training and reflection on their important ministry this autumn. Readers are welcome to come to any of the following Saturday mornings: 28th September: St Julie’s, Eccleston, WA10 5HJ, 5th October: Christ the King Parish Club, Childwall, L16 6AW, 19th October: Irenaeus, Waterloo, L22 1RD, 2nd November: St Mary’s Community Centre, Leyland, PR25 1PD. All 10am to 1pm (followed by lunch - bring a packed lunch). Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve your places.
Scout Hut Building Work:
Work has just started on our Scout Hut. Its flat roof, last replaced in 1998, is being renewed and a protective covering will be fitted to the walls. The aim is to keep the building in good repair for at least another 20 years, continuing to provide a home for our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. The cost – in excess of £50,000 – is coming from the Government’s Youth Investment Fund with whom John Simpson and Sean Smith have worked for the past year. A local firm, Rascon, are carrying out the work and aim to minimise any disruption to the Parish and its neighbours. It should take just over a month. The car park and hall will be open as usual throughout and the Group’s Thursday night meetings will also continue as normal. If anyone has any concerns or queries, please contact us, Sean Smith or John Simpson at the Parish Office.
CAFOD Harvest Family Fast Day
is Fri 4th Oct. There will be short talks at the end of Masses on the weekend of 28th/29th Sep.
There is a meeting for parishioners in our area who would like to find out more at St Marie’s, in the Marian Centre, on Mon 9th Sep at 7.15pm for 7.30 – 8.30pm. Contact Adrian if you are interested in attending: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Heating and Refurbishment appeal
I am delighted to report that our appeal has this week surpassed the halfway point of £50,650.
Thank you so much to everyone for your brilliant support and contributions.
I am still looking for that secret millionaire to top up the rest,
but we are well on the way to providing a new and more economical heating system. Please continue to support us in this important venture and, as always, if you have any innovative ideas or suggestions to get us over the line, we are all ears!
Thanks to all who donate to the upkeep of our lovely church, so that everyone can enjoy its healing presence...
By clicking on the picture you can donate ONLINE to Holy Family...
Fr. Kevin.
A big thank you to the team who have thoroughly cleaned and reorganised the kitchen in the Parish Hall. All the cupboards and drawers are now labelled to make it easier for everyone to find things and put them away again.
Calling all the nutty knitters
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 12th September at 10.30 in the hall. Please do come! If only for a cuppa and a chat. Love Maggi”
Dates for your diary
Why real friends are good for the soul. A talk by John Sullivan, followed by discussion Saturday 28th Sept from 2.00 –
3.30pm at Our Lady of Compassion’s Activity Centre Church Rd Formby L37 3NG
Christians and Contemporary Culture. Led by John Sullivan, Saturday 19th Oct 2.00-3.30pm At St John Stone Hall Sandbrook
Way Woodvale PR8 3RN
Deanery Question Time. A panel of 4 chaired by Mgr. John Walsh, Saturday 23rd Nov 2pm-3.30pm at St John Stone.
One way of letting the local community know that the church is active, and a Mass or service is about to take place, is by the ringing of the bell. But it can also help those in earshot, and perhaps housebound, know what is happening at that moment. With the longer ringing before Mass and the two rings of three at the Consecration, it can mean that they can be involved because of this, and feel connected.
We do have some of the Masses covered, but if you would like to volunteer, particularly if you attend a Mass where the bell is not rung, for either before Mass, and/or at the Consecration, please contact the Parish Office and a short instruction, if necessary, can be given, and to help us to know who could ring for each Mass.
News from our Schools
Holy Family school Ofsted Report.
Many congratulations to Miss Hilton and her staff and all those associated with our school on the result of our recent Ofsted inspection published this week. The judgment we were awarded was ‘Good’ with some excellent comments and feedback which is a credit to everyone’s hard work and commitment. Many thanks also to the Governing Body who dedicate so much personal time to the management of our wonderful school. May God in his kindness Bless you all. (See the school website for further information).
Help our School...
If you are interested please pass on your details to Athena or speak with Fr. Kevin.
Christ the King Catholic High School & Sixth Form Centre would like to invite you to our Open Evening on Tuesday 17th September from 5.30pm-8.00pm. It will be an informative and enjoyable evening giving you insight into life at CTK.
For more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01704 565121.
Faith in Action
Are you in Year 7-13 aged 11-18? We are hoping to start a Faith in Action group at Holy Family. This is your chance to be recognized for your involvement in the parish and wider community. Look out for more information soon.
Support for the divorced and separated
The Restored Lives course is run over six weeks, one evening per week. The talks cover the key issues to help you to move on and highlight the practical steps and tools to enable you to tackle the issues that arise from separation and divorce. For more information contact Maureen 0767753371
Volunteers: We are looking for volunteers to help with projection, YouTubing
and Zooming Mass at the weekends and join a rota.
This could be a pair who take on all the masses for a weekend, or a pair or individuals who volunteer to help at one Mass. Full training and support will be given, some familiarity with any of this might make it easier. Just pop over to the IT confessional and have a chat with John &/or Karen if you might be willing to help.
Uniform Hub
A reminder that our Uniform Hub is open Tues-Friday 10am to 12noon at 17A Cambridge Walks for all your pre-loved school uniform needs. No appointment or referral is needed and you can bring an item with you to swap, make a small donation or take free items. It is for the whole community as so many of us hate to see waste and find ourselves being stretched to afford the very costly unforms and sports kits. Donations of blazers from Y11 school leavers (good condition only) are welcome at this time of the year.
You may not be able to give financially,
but there are other ways you can help the parish, like donating your time, or your prayers, which are more needed than ever in all sorts of ways. We want to thank all our parishioners for all the ways that they make us a community, looking after each other, and beyond...
SVP notices
I would like to thank everyone involved over the years who have contributed their time and material help in order to improve the lives of so many local people and families in need. Please read the SVP REPORT which shows some of the needs and work done in our area.
Please do keep the vouchers and donations coming in and if anyone would be interested in becoming a member of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, please contact Athena in the parish office for more details.
May God Bless and reward you all. Fr. Kevin.
- Offertory Envelopes
Thank you to all those who donate via offertory envelopes. Could I also suggest that you give some thought to changing your weekly contributions from cash to standing order. It is a real benefit to the parish and much easier to administer. Please contact the parish office for more information. -
Gift Aid
If you already have a standing order, or are thinking of making one, also please consider the possibility of GiftAiding your donations, if you are able to do so. Kathy and John Bowers have very kindly agreed to administer our Gift Aid scheme on behalf of the Parish, and you can find out more information HERE or by contacting the Parish Office. - There's a Free Job Club being run in conjunction with Christians against Poverty, at St John's church Ainsdale. If you think you could benefit please have a look...
Do you know someone in hospital, or about to go into hospital?
The chaplaincy team are here to help YOU.
CLICK HERE for more information
Please join us at our online services which have certainly helped to keep us closer together, and given internet skills to some who thought they would never manage it.
For more information go to our 'Praying Together' page...