Dear Parishioner and Visitor
ZOOM CODES CHANGED after Evening Prayer on Wed 27th Nov. Please email the Parish Office for new codes if you don't already have them.
Sat 8th Feb 5.15pm to 5.45pm - Reconciliation/ Confession
The Sacrament of Reconciliation can also be arranged at other times. Please see Fr Kevin for more details.
Sat 8th Feb 6pm - MASS Colin Byrne Family and Friends
Sun 9th Feb 9.30am - MASS (also on YouTube) Pauline and George and Family
Sun 9th Feb 11am - MASS (also on ZOOM ) Hilda Lopez RIP
Sun 9th Feb 12.15pm - Baptism of Francesca Sylvia Bowers
As well as the 9.30 am Sunday Mass we hope to record a weekday Mass for viewing on YouTube. This is not always possible and is dependent on volunteer availability. Thank you for your understanding.
Mon 10th Feb 9.30am - MASS Boguslawa RIP
Mon 10th Feb 5pm - First Holy Communion Registration session
Wed 12th Feb 9.30am - Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion
Thur 13th Feb 9.30am - MASS Austin and Rose O’Grady
Fri 14th Feb 9.30am - MASS Halina Rybczynska RIP
Fri 14th Feb 2pm - Funeral Service for Gareth Jones at Southport Crematorium
Sat 15th Feb 7.10am - Morning Prayer of the Church (only via ZOOM)
Sat 15th Feb 5.15pm to 5.45pm - Reconciliation/ Confession
The Sacrament of Reconciliation can also be arranged at other times. Please see Fr Kevin for more details.
Sat 15th Feb 6pm - MASS Bridget Finegan
Sun 16th Feb 9.30am - MASS (also on Youtube) Frank and Beatrice Braithwaite
Sun 16th Feb 11am - MASS (also on Zoom) Pat McCarthy
We pray for all the lately dead and those who mourn them
The Sacrament of Reconciliation can also be arranged at other times. Please see Fr Kevin for more details.
Morning Prayer: Saturday 7.10am via Zoom only
The Annual Southport Interfaith Lecture ‘Building Bridges’ by Geoff Corré
3.00pm Sunday 16th February 2025 at Southport & District Reform Synagogue, Princes St, Southport PR8 1EG.
This lecture is for 40 minutes followed by a discussion for 20 minutes in which you are invited to put forward your own thoughts as to how we can support our friends of different faiths in Southport, helping us to build a cohesive society. It is followed by the chance to informally socialise amongst ourselves over tea and biscuits after the discussion.
The lecture is open to all those that wish to support Southport’s faiths. There will be door security and a police presence. All Welcome
Archdiocesan Celebration of the Miraculous Cure of Jack Traynor
Following the announcement in December of the miraculous cure of John (Jack) Traynor, the Archdiocese of Liverpool will be celebrating this historic moment with Mass followed by a drinks reception at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King on Tuesday 18th February at 7pm.
All are very welcome to attend. More information and a booking form will follow.
2025 – The Jubilee year of Hope
As Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of Saint Peter's Basilica, the evening of 24 December 2024, he ushered in the widely-anticipated 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope.
With the liturgical gesture of the Door's opening at the start of the Christmas Mass during the Night, as explained in the papal bull for the Jubilee Spes non confundit, the Pope inaugurated the Ordinary Jubilee, a historic event taking place every 25 years. The Ordinary Jubilee will conclude with the closing of the same Holy Door on 6 January 2026, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.

BAPTISM at Holy Family
Baptism preparation takes place once a month by appointment. If you would like your child to be baptised at Holy Family, a Baptismal Request Form can be obtained from church, or from the Parish Office, for completion as a first step.
Please ensure one of the names you have chosen for your child is a saint's name - there are so many wonderful saints who will then have a special care for your little one.
You may choose up to two Godparents (one of whom is a practising Catholic) and up to two witnesses, for the person being baptised, if you wish.
Baptisms may be arranged for a Saturday at 11am, or a Sunday at 12noon
The next preparatory session is to be confirmed.

Altar Servers
We are currently looking for new members of our team of Altar Servers. Serving on the altar is a fantastic way of giving service to God and to the parish, and also allows you to learn more about the Mass and other liturgies. New servers are welcome on all Masses, although we are particularly keen to recruit new servers for the 9:30am Mass.
If you or a member of your family is interested, please contact the Parish Office or speak to Fr Kevin, Athena or Noel.
Support for the divorced and separated...
The Restored Lives course is run over six weeks, one evening per week. The talks cover the key issues to help you to move on and highlight the practical steps and tools to enable you to tackle the issues that arise from separation and divorce. For more information contact Maureen 0767753371
Mass in Spanish
Once a month, on the second Sunday of the month, Mass is celebrated in Spanish at 4pm, at St. Vincent's Church on St. James St. Liverpool, L1 5JN. Refreshments and sharing are available after Mass. All are welcome!
Southport Churches together: 2025 venues
We meet every Tuesday 7.30am to 8.30am throughout the year.
We pray for Southport churches and communities and the wider world.
We are all denominations, open to everyone, please join us, we'd love to see you...
- JAN:
- FEB:
- MAR:
- APR:
- MAY:
- JUN:
- JUL:
- AUG:
- SEP:
- OCT:
- NOV:
- DEC:
LGBTQ+ Catholics
Our next gathering is on Sunday 29th September at All Saints, Anfield, Liverpool, L4 2QG,
Mass at 2pm. ALL WELCOME...
Public Rosary in Southport
1st, 2nd, 4th Sunday: Outside the Atkinson on Lord Street, Southport, from 4:15 - 4:45 PM
3rd Sunday: Times are variable, please get in touch.
In addition: Monthly Rosary on Tuesday at 11:30, same place.
This is part of the initiative and open to all. There are usually about 25-30 of us. Perhaps you might like to join us?
We meet every Sunday, rain or shine, on Lord Street just outside the Atkinson. Thanks Andrew Quernmore.
We would be delighted if you could join with us in any or all of our prayers.
As well as our church services we pray together as an online community, using ZOOM :
Simple Morning Prayer on Saturday morning, start at 7.10am
Evening Prayer on Wednesday evening, start at 6.00pm
We use a video conferencing program called ZOOM which is available for PCs, Macs, tablets and smart phones.
If you feel you would like to try this you will need to download and install the software. ZOOM is available as a free account, so please don't sign up to any payment version.
It all sounds rather intimidating for the novice but please, please give it a try if you would like to join in. Getting the best out of this technology just takes a bit of courage and a willingness to learn. We were all first timers once!
We'll try and help you as much as we can, and we think that after a couple of goes you'll be wondering what all the fuss was about!! It would be great to see you and have a chat...
Once installed click on 'Join a meeting' and enter the ID number and the passcode.
In order to receive the ID number and passcode please email Holy Family parish and you will be given the details required.
Please do not share these details but ask people to email for their own, due to newly increased security settings from ZOOM, and so we can keep in contact.