Our expert John Bowers with a painting class

Meet up Mondays is all about, well, meeting up on Mondays...

Our next get together is on Monday 9th Sept 2024

HF appeal
An appeal for more than just money!

Ukraine, Gaza, conflicts and needs all round the world...

as well as a few needs closer to home. How will we respond?

Sanctuary lamp

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding relates to the action taken to promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and to protect them from harm.

Remember if a child, young person or vulnerable adult is in immediate risk of harm then call the Police 999 

Forward in faith
We're on the way...come with us on the journey!

Holy Family Scouts
Welcome to the 58th Southport Beavers / Cubs / Scouts group.

We're celebrating our 75th anniversary! Amazing isn't it? See below for details...

Signing up for Holy Family to receive Gift Aid on your donations is the easiest way to make sure our Parish benefits the most. If you can, please do it NOW...

Holy Family Church interior

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Holy Family Church interior
Telephone: 01704 532613

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Twitter: @HolyFamilyRCSou